How To train Your Cat II
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How To Train Your Cat II
Teach your cat some tricks! Sound impossible? It's not! Here's how it's done: First you remember that any animal can only be trained to do things that are already instinctive behavior for that animal. You can train a dog to fetch something and bring it back in his mouth, because he already knows how. But you can't train a dog to draw pictures with a magic marker, because dogs don't naturally do that. Similarily, you can train a a cat to shake hands, or sit, because those are natural behaviors for a cat. But you won't have much success trying to train a cat how to meow when someone comes to the door!

Shake Hands

Get out those cat treats again. With a little bit of treats in the center of your hand where he can't see it, reach down to your cat, and wait for him to reach for his food with his paw. If he tries to stand to get it to his mouth, start over. (You might have to show him the food first, or give him a little taste.) As he reaches up with a paw, say, "Shake,(your pet's name)". In a firm voice. Then let him havethe treat. Do this a few more times, then try it without any treats. Very quickly, the cat will learn that when you bend over, extend your hand, and say "Shake,_____", he should reach up, becausethere might be something good in your hand. Do this every once and a while for about a week. Just make sure that sometimes you give him a treat.

Sit Up On Hind Legs(Note: Your cat needs to know how to sit to do this trick)To teach your cat how to sit, go to "How To Train Your Cat"

1. Direct your cat to sit. 2. Raise the treat about a foot above her head. 3. Say "Up (name)!" 4. Reward her as soon as she sits on her hind legs. 5. Repeat until she understands what to do.

Beg(Note: Your cat needs to know how to sit to learn the trick) To teach your cat how to sit, go to "How To Train Your Cat")

1. Direct your cat to sit. 2. Raise the treat slightly out of her reach. 3. Say "Up _____!" and wait a moment. 4. Allow your cat to stand on her hind legs and reach for food. 5. Say "Beg _____!" 6. Reward her with a treat while she still is in begging position.

Fetch(Note: You will need to buy catnip)

The key to teaching your cat to fetch is patience. A cat does not seek your approval as much as a dog does; so don't expect to see results quite as quickly. The first step to training is to discover what his or her favorite toy is. Some cats like plastic balls, while others like paper or tinfoil balls. Experiment with as many different types of round objects that are safe for your cat. Make sure that the ball isn't small enough to slip down your cat's throat. Throw the balls onto a slippery floor, the kitchen usually works best. See what your cat pays attention to the most. Once you have found his favorite toy, you're set for the first lesson. Dip and rub the toy in catnip. Now let your cat smell the toy. Toss the toy a few feet in front of you, not too far. Your cat would most likely run after the toy and rub her body all over the smelly ball. Go to your cat as she rolls around with the toy and praise her, just as you would a dog. Take the toy carefully from her and say, "Thank You, _________". Pet her on the head, scratch her behind the ears, or whatever is your cat's favorite petting pastime. Focus your cat's attention on the ball again, and throw it a little further this time. Go to her and retrieve the ball and return to your original place again. Throw it again and repeat the procedure. You can usually keep your cat interested for about ten minutes, then give him or her a final petting and put the toy away where they can't reach or smell it. Every day you should follow the same routine around the same time of day if possible. Your cat will anticipate your playtime. Within two weeks, you should see your cat picking up the toy and carrying it towards you. Most likely the ball will be dropped before your cat reaches you, but praise your cat anyway. One word of warning though- your cat may become quite addicted to this game, and if you leave her fetch ball lying around, your cat may begin to bring the ball to you to play with her- even in the middle of the night.


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